Charlotte Raven 'Swap shop' Observer Life article (1995)

One of the very few times the bi presence at Prides in London got mentioned was in an article by Charlotte Raven in the Observer's 'Observer Life' magazine in October 1995.

Around this point in time, Raven had an affair with the "outrageously outspoken" and "usually offensive" writer Julie Burchill. Both also had long relationships with men, but as we'll see, neither liked the term 'bisexual' to describe their attraction to more than one gender.

Raven had a regular column in the Guardian, but this was as part of the 'FutureSex' features in the Sunday paper's magazine that week:

Bisexuality has been touted as the 1990s equivalent of Free Love. But is gender-surfing the way ahead if you fancy Kate Moss and Liam Gallagher, or just a greedy distraction from genuine commitment?

swap shop

By Charlotte Raven
Photo by Tim O'Sullivan

AT THE GAY PRIDE festival I pre-emptively attended[1]She'd had a long history of relationships with men before the one with Burchill. several years ago I was greatly upset by two things. First, there was the problem of the large number of people who, for aesthetic or other reasons, had seen fit to poke things through parts of their anatomy. According to my companion on the day, the practice of personal mutilation (body decoration if you wish) has got something to do with empowerment – a word which used to invoke politics and now covers tree hugging, high-interest savings accounts and, yes, describes that sense of self-worth you must feel sticking cold metal into unsullied flesh. Some taboos, it must be said, exist for a very good reason.

The second thing which struck me was the bisexual stall. Staffed by a wistful but nonetheless cheery selection of the self-identified Undecided, the purpose of the exercise seemed to be to increase visibility, that oddly unchallenged goal of all 1990s sexual sub-genres, while trying to sell bisexuality as an exciting and viable lifestyle option. Towards the latter end they were peddling propaganda which hopefully suggested that riding the sexual metronome would give you 'Twice the Fun!'.

It's that exclamation mark, recalling the self-conscious attempts at chattiness you get in a parish newsletter, which made me think bisexuality, for them, might not be quite such a laugh as they claimed. No one who is really having fun would ever need to emphasise it thus. (Have you ever been to a party, advertised as a PARTY!, which was actually any good?) And that phrase – 'Twice the Fun!' – it sounds like one of those restaurants which, in allowing you to Eat All You Can!, appeals to your basest gluttony and denies discrimination any role.

Bisexuality does sound a lot like libidinal greed. And the bisexuals, that band of insatiable sexual gourmands, sound just like the sort to insist that you serve their main courses and puddings at once. Unfortunately, throughout the inauspicious history of this indiscriminate finger buffet, its adherents have done little to challenge this view.

The writer Hanif Kureishi once described the delights of his own teenage gender-hopping by suggesting that the potential of a party was greatly improved if you realised that, theoretically at least, you could go home with anyone. Which doesn't necessarily imply that they all would – in fact, quite the converse – assuming that most of them won't, the bisexual will nonetheless have maximised the chances of one of them snagging themselves in the net. So what appears to be greed is actually desperation or, from another angle, the pragmatic good sense to write rejection into your accounting.

Bisexuality, like body piercing, can sometimes look like self-loathing posing as front. You will only feel the benefits of doubling your constituency if you weren't going to get any votes from the first. And bisexuals, like body-mutalees, have suffered, in the past, from social stigmatisation, political marginalisation and the terrible burden of seeming to have brought it all on themselves. Straights didn't like them because they could have been gay. Gays didn't like them because they should not have been straight.

As Amelia, a lesbian friend of mine, once put it: 'What kind of fool wants to crawl once they've learned how to walk?' Gay identity, as outing shows, will always demand a commitment. The fact that, as a bisexual, you could crawl off into the sunset with some bozo from the opposite camp was never going to help to make you a hit with the girls. In some sense, Amelia was right. There is a kind of affectlessness in failing to come down on either side. It is no accident that the characters in Bret Easton Ellis novels are as lazily bisexual as they are emotionally torpid. Gender-surfing is, for them, an expression of a sexual

The bisexual stall was staffed by a wistful but nonetheless cheery selection of the self-identified Undecided, trying to sell bisexuality as an exciting and viable lifestyle option

distraction which prevents them from committing to either. And introduced in Ellis is the idea of bisexuality as the very last word in your fin-de-siècle debauchwear. Because ever since those mi-siècle decadents swung every
which way in 1930s Berlin, bisexuality has signified depravity more often than self-doubt or indecision.

In the video for Madonna's Justify My Love we have a whole cast of limp and long-limbed Dorian Gray types who are draped across beds, chaise longues, Madonna and each other. We are voyeurs at an 'orgy' which could have been a bus queue for all you can tell from the expressions on anyone's face. The whole frigid episode concludes with this didactic peroration: 'Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on permission from another.' Or, as she has more lately put it: 'Express yourself. Don't repress yourself.' Which is quite like 'Let Your Hair Down!' as an exhortation in an advert for a Labour Party dance, but not a bit like 'Screw The Arse Off Every Human Specimen You See'. In Ms Ciccone's oeuvre, bisexuality represents libidinal self-expression to a heterosexual audience. We are not really encouraged to try it at home – but it's great for reminding all you uptight little straight girls that you really should give blow-jobs without waiting to be asked.

So even when bisexuality starts making its claims as the hottest sex-kick on the block, there's the same lurking naffness which would stop you from climbing on board. Partly, I think, it's the word itself. Mostly it's the sexuality
bit. This is a word which has always, to me, sounded like the product of a terrible etymological mix-up. They thought they were describing the skin which will form on the top of a mug of hot milk. Sexuality. It is this terrible gloopy wholesomeness which has always blighted and never accounted for that area of human activity which includes mistreating hamsters, wrestling Hoover Juniors and watching the world wane through a plastic bag with the bitter tang of citrus fruit dripping down your throat.[2]This is just over a year after MP Stephen Milligan was found dead, "naked except for a pair of stockings and suspenders, with an electrical flex tied around his neck, his head covered and an orange … Continue reading

And then there was Billy Bragg. 'Sexuality,' you may recall him singing, 'is strong and warm and wild and free.' This was obviously intended as a 'celebration' but could have been used to promote family planning. It is interesting to note that unlike 'queer' or 'dyke', no pejorative term ever evolved for the bisexual.[3]If you want proof of Raven's low quality as a journalist, here it is in one sentence. Potential taunters obviously agreed that the existing one was bad enough.

And there are still other reasons why, in spite of a continuing refusal to consider myself either straight or gay, I would not, could not think of bisexuality – at least as I've so far described it – as any kind of suitable way out.[4]Burchill's later version was: "I would never describe myself as 'heterosexual', 'straight' or anything else. Especially not 'bisexual' (it sounds like a sort of communal vehicle missing a mudguard)."

Which will come to be a problem when you try to think of any other viable response to a world which contains Oasis's Liam Gallagher and the incomparable Kate Moss. To exclude either from the canon of most desirable objects simply because of some chromosomal prejudice on your part[5]Personally, I'd exclude Gallagher because of his long history of misogyny, but it appears Raven could overlook that. would seem particularly churlish and small-minded. While heterosexuality is the best-rewarded approach to desire and lesbianism's the best thought out, it is bisexuality, alone amongst all predilections, which can elevate the bearer from the banality of choosing the whole package in advance of ever looking at the goods. It is not itself a decision so much as an openness to reasonable suggestion. It therefore cannot expect to be an identity like any of the rest.

Bisexuality is the love which should never speak its name. Increasingly, its advocates are realising this. If Blur's Girls And Boys contained the word in any single one of its lines, it wouldn't be the great track that it is. The song records the triumph of innocence over the experience it describes and manages successfully to counter the naive joys of messing about with the significance of choice in the end. 'Always should be someone you really love.' Damon Albarn has scored a major success in removing bisexuality from the fleshpots and festival stalls of the margins a giving it back as a tape you would take to the beach ■

Just to add to the effect of this pile of ■■■■ was the image on the opposite page (JPEG, NSFW). Note the small comment on the page with the article crediting "Image manipulation by Colourspace", so they didn't use trans models…


1She'd had a long history of relationships with men before the one with Burchill.
2This is just over a year after MP Stephen Milligan was found dead, "naked except for a pair of stockings and suspenders, with an electrical flex tied around his neck, his head covered and an orange in his mouth"…
3If you want proof of Raven's low quality as a journalist, here it is in one sentence.
4Burchill's later version was: "I would never describe myself as 'heterosexual', 'straight' or anything else. Especially not 'bisexual' (it sounds like a sort of communal vehicle missing a mudguard)."
5Personally, I'd exclude Gallagher because of his long history of misogyny, but it appears Raven could overlook that.

It's Prejudice That's Queer campaign – THT 1999

This was a rare example of a THT 'gay and bisexual men' campaign that was designed to been seen by the general population.

One of the reasons that's rare is that advertising on, say, London Underground is considerably more expensive than in a scene magazine or given to workers to hand out at scene venues. (If you did actually want to reach as many gay and bisexual men in London as possible, places like the Underground and the Metro and Evening Standard newspapers is where you'd do it…)

The graphics here aren't particularly good quality, being in a low resolution even in the original PDF from, despite being intended to be seen on A3 or larger posters.

This is particularly noticeable on the CHAPS logo, which is almost unreadable,[1]Whether someone simply made the mistake of exporting them in a low screen resolution rather than the print one, I don't know. Fortunately, the body text looks to be done properly and it was possible … Continue reading but it means that it was definitely part of a program to reduce HIV infection in gay and bisexual men that got about £1m of funding from the Department of Health every year.

It was recognised by Martin Kirk of the UK Gay Men's Health Network in giving evidence to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on AIDS as "an HIV campaign but it is a campaign targeted at prejudice against, in this case, gay men".

As we'll see, this was more correct than it should have been. Read more


1Whether someone simply made the mistake of exporting them in a low screen resolution rather than the print one, I don't know. Fortunately, the body text looks to be done properly and it was possible to copy and paste it.

More Health Education Authority memories

In 2018, some academics got eleven people who'd worked in the HIV prevention sector in the UK for a two hour discussion[1]Published as Nicholls and Rosengarten (eds.) (2019). Witness Seminar: HIV Prevention and Health Promotion in the UK. Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies: Activism, Citizenship and Health … Continue reading on some of the history.

In this extract, they remember the 'hands' ad. Interestingly, the only ones to get much more space are the 'iceberg' and 'monolith' "Don't die of ignorance' ones.

'Ford' is Ford Hickson, part of Sigma Research, responsible for multiple surveys and research projects on gay and bisexual men.

'Lynne' is Lynne Walsh, talking about her time as half of (also known as 'in charge of') the press office for the Health Education Authority (HEA).

'Dominic' is Dominic McVey, talking about having been an HEA researcher. His line elsewhere about "Much of my work involved developing and evaluating the HEA gay and heterosexual public health interventions" accurately shows how much the HEA cared about bisexuals… Read more


1Published as Nicholls and Rosengarten (eds.) (2019). Witness Seminar: HIV Prevention and Health Promotion in the UK. Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies: Activism, Citizenship and Health (EUROPACH).

Boys and girls come out to play (The Independent, 1997)

The research on behaviourally bisexual men commissioned by Health Education Authority in 1994, completed in 1995, and eventually published in 1996, was largely ignored.

In part, that's because the HEA leaked the findings – there are a lot of bisexual men! – months earlier, so by the time it was properly published, it was no longer 'news'.

But at least one paper noticed enough to refer to it a year later…

.. even if they didn't read it properly. The estimate of 12% of men being behaviourally bisexual – that is, being sexual with more than one gender – is informed largely by a 1982 survey of Playboy readers in the US[1]Unlike most other large surveys done for magazines, it looks like all of the over 60,000 responses from men were actually analysed! and..

While exact rates are impossible accurately to quantify it seems reasonable to assert that the lifetime figure lies somewhere in the region of 5-15%. Our best guess would be closer to the 12% of Lever et al. (1989; 1992) than the 3-7% of Johnson et al. (1994). However, with little direct evidence, estimates of the proportion of adult men that have had sex with both males and females in the last five years are too hazardous to even attempt.

The "in the last five years" came from the predictions of the person who commissioned it that they'd find hardly any bisexual men and so they needed to make the criteria for being included fairly broad. In fact, it turned out that the average number of partners was three men and three women per year.[2]The people who did the research were struck that the average number of partners per year for gay men in their other surveys was also six.

The article was prompted by an episode on bisexuality that was part of Channel 4's Seven Sins series, entitled 'Greed', sigh. Read more


1Unlike most other large surveys done for magazines, it looks like all of the over 60,000 responses from men were actually analysed!
2The people who did the research were struck that the average number of partners per year for gay men in their other surveys was also six.

The Health Education Authority's bisexual and 'definitely not' bisexual ads

Even governments sometimes realise that spending money on health promotion – enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health – can be better than dealing with the consequences of not doing so.

In the UK, the Health Education Council (greatest hit: the 'pregnant man' campaign with its "Would you be more careful if it was you who got pregnant?" strapline[1]Created by the tiny agency that would become the global giant Saatchi & Saatchi, this was such a hit that the agency named its canteen/bar 'The Pregnant Man'. They did some other work for the … Continue reading) ran government campaigns between 1968 and 1987, before a reorganisation (not entirely coincidentally following a row about a politically embarrassing publication about health inequalities) led to its replacement by the Health Education Authority in 1987.

When the UK government decided that Aids was in fact worth doing something serious about (about three years after gay and bisexual men in the UK started dying from it, followed by similar epidemics amongst IV drug users and then haemophiliacs), one of the things that pushed it towards that position was the way that Aids activists had deliberately chosen to emphasise the risks of bisexual men being responsible for the spread of the epidemic into the presumed heterosexual general population.

As mentioned in the BiFurious review of TV series It's A Sin:[2]TL;DR: great acting, direction, lighting etc, but the script is a steaming pile of biphobic and bi-erasing shit.

"It was quickly realised that 'everyone is at risk' was the magic button, 'a powerful weapon against anti-gay prejudice in 1986, and it was the only one that the gay community had with which to protect itself at a time of brutal public attack. .. The THT hierarchy sought to persuade the government that the nation itself was endangered, while not entirely believing it itself.'

"But how on earth could the sector get the government of Mrs Thatcher – sample speech from 1987: 'Children who need to be taught to respect traditional moral values are being taught they have an inalienable right to be gay. All of those children are being cheated of a sound start in life. Yes, cheated. [applause from the Tory audience]' – to think that a third of, say, the Tory-voting London borough of Kensington and Chelsea would end up with Aids if they didn't do something quickly? No-one would believe they all took up an injecting drug habit. Or magically developed haemophilia.

"Ah ha! Bisexual men would spread it from the (seen as expendable) gay community into the nice straight one! And it worked, even though it was something bisexual men would never ever win from: if there was a significant spread, it'd be our fault, but if there wasn't, it just shows that there are barely any bisexual men."

The result was the first big 'Don't die of ignorance' campaign by the Department of Health and Social Security – the 'icebergs and monoliths' one – following which the HEA ended up with the responsibility to do national HIV/Aids health promotion work.

Here's are the ads that they did aimed specifically at bisexual men rather than 'gay (oh.. and bisexual) men'. As you will see, there were not very many: the person in charge of HIV work at the HEA bought into the idea that there were barely any bisexual men out there, even after this was proved to be completely wrong. Read more


1Created by the tiny agency that would become the global giant Saatchi & Saatchi, this was such a hit that the agency named its canteen/bar 'The Pregnant Man'. They did some other work for the HEC, then had to resign when they decided to work for a tobacco company instead.
2TL;DR: great acting, direction, lighting etc, but the script is a steaming pile of biphobic and bi-erasing shit.

How Can We Help You? – Information, Advice & Counselling for Gay Men & Lesbians (1989)

Originally set up in 1971 with the intention of being the counselling arm of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, "Fellowship for the Relief of the Isolated and Emotionally in Need and Distress" was far more widely known as 'FRIEND'. By 1977, its national organiser stopped being on the CHE board by right, and its newsletter stopped calling FRIEND "the befriending arm of the CHE".

Also in 1977, the London arm became a company limited by guarantee, Friend Counselling (London). As 'London Friend', it ended up operating from Caledonian Road N1, and was the venue used by the London Bisexual Group from around 1990 to its end around 2004 or 2005ish. Its website is here.

As other groups sprang up, a network was created as National Friend, becoming a company in 1987. The book's author, Macolm Macourt, is described as its company secretary and a lecturer at Newcastle upon Tyne polytechnic. He was also involved with Project SIGMA that looked at the sex lives of gay and bisexual men[1]They described it as "gay and bisexual lifestyles" but it was gay and bisexual men's sex lives that were the primary focus from the start of the HIV/Aids epidemic in the UK. Read more


1They described it as "gay and bisexual lifestyles" but it was gay and bisexual men's sex lives that were the primary focus